Filters (SAW, Dielectric, MCF)
Filters are essential circuit components used to filter out any unwanted frequency components from a signal. There are numerous types of filters available on the market today characterized from analog/digital, passive/active, linear/non-linear, electronic/electromechanical, they all perform the same function, and are generally described as Low Pass Filters (LPF), High Pass Filters (HPF), Band Pass Filters (BPF), or Band Stop (notch filter).
The key parameters describing any filters are: freq band, BW, insertion loss (in passband), rejection/attenuation (in reject band), temp, and package/size.
Endrich offers a broad range of filters suited for almost any working environment (ex. Automotive, industrial, etc), technology (WiFi, BT, GSM, GPS, etc), application (RF, DC/DC, EMI filtering, etc), and conditions (high power, high freq, low insertion loss, etc….).
Please count on our sales, technical and logistics support in selecting the right filter for your application.